Dharma-massage-therapies-certificatesWhy is some massage covered by your health fund and others not?  How do you find an accredited provider?

Medical and political bodies have finally recognized that complimentary therapies have benefited mankind for hundreds of years and are of proven value.  Funds usually offer rebates for “Remedial” massage, not “relaxation”.

As defined by the Webster’s dictionary –“re·me·di·al adjective \ri-ˈmē-dē-əl\: done to correct or improve something: done to make something better – WEBSTERS DICTIONARY

The curriculum for “Remedial” massage is formalised nationwide.  It includes comprehensive study of Anatomy and Physiology and several modalities of manual therapies that have had measurable results in the relief of pain.  These may include Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial release, Manual Lymph Drainage and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation.  Also included are business units in record keeping and hygiene management.

A remedial therapist is trained in postural assessment, so will test your range of movement and muscle shortness or tightness.  S/he will record your presenting situation, determine a plan of treatment and note the progressive outcome.

“Relaxation” massage has immense value in easing muscle tension and increasing well being.  Lowered stress levels increase the health of every system in the body.  Most of these shorter courses do not include the in depth study of empirically backed anatomy and physiology that are required for “remedial” qualifications therefore are not covered by health funds.


Accredited therapists must be members of a professional association that is compliant with Rule 10 of the Private Health Insurance (Accreditation) Rules.  These industry associations ensure that therapists meet exceptional standards of professionalism and must prove they continue their education in the ever-evolving health field. An accredited provider has made an investment to elevate the status and legitimacy of the massage industry, which will benefit the industry and our clients.

To find an accredited Remedial Massage Therapist check the Massage and Myotherapy Association of Australia register of therapists in your area

Ask your GP, Physio’ or Chiro for recommendations or contact your health fund direct.  Please note that mobile massage treatments do not usually qualify for health rebates under the Private Health Insurance Act.